Rating history of Яцик Єва Rating / Level L1 / Level L2 / Level L3 / Rating history of Яцик Єва

Яцик Єва (id: 10657)

L1 wins: 1
L2 wins: 1
L3 wins: 0
num contest L1 place L1 delta L1 new_rating L2 place L2 delta L2 new_rating L3 place L3 delta L3 new_rating
5 "Educational Dots Round #6 (L1, L2, L3)" 13 -465 649 12 -166 751 -- -- 1014
4 "Educational Dots Round #4 (L1, L2, L3)" 10 -144 1114 7 -93 917 -- -- 1014
3 "Educational Dots Round #3 (L1, L2, L3)" 1 +169 1258 10 -180 1010 -- -- 1014
2 "Educational Dots Round #2 (L1, L2, L3)" 6 +3 1089 8 -21 1190 -- -- 1014
1 "Educational Dots Round #1 (L1, L2, L3)" 9 +86 1086 1 +211 1211 8 +15 1015